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Private comments

A private way to communicate for administrators and owners right on your project files

Ivan avatar
Written by Ivan
Updated over a week ago

Private comments make it easy to securely share information between admin users within your project without oversharing. They are available only to users with the "Admin" and/or "Owner" roles.

These comments are highlighted in purple and marked with a lock icon before the commenter's name. On waveform audio, these comments are highlighted with a purple wrap around the user's avatar.

The Private comments feature is available on the Team plan.

Follow the steps below to post a private comment:

  • Select the audio file.

  • Choose the timestamp on the waveform where you want to comment.

  • You'll see a comment box at the bottom of the screen with the default text "add a comment for all."

  • Click on the lock icon on the right side of your screen to post a private comment. When the lock icon turns purple, your comments will only be visible to owners and admins, not other users accessing the audio file.

  • Click the lock icon again to switch back to the normal commenting mode that makes notes visible to everyone.

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