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Pibox Metadata
Ivan avatar
Written by Ivan
Updated over a week ago

Metadata is a feature that adds additional functionality to files, which looks like a set of arbitrary data that is attached to a particular file.

Metadata is designed in such a way that one Team has one metadata template. And each file will have the same fields within a Team, but you can fill them as you like, which means that each file can have different metadata, responsible for a particular file. How to open and how to work with metadata, will be described below.

Opening Metadata

Metadata can be opened via the file tab, file manager, or inside the file itself, namely on each page there will be a Metadata button, clicking on it will open the metadata. Metadata is not visible to Guests, but it is available to all other roles.

When you open Metadata, you'll immediately see a lot of functionality that you can use, but to understand how to work with it, check out each Metadata feature in detail below.

Metadata header

At the very top, you will see the name of the file, as well as the arrows next to the name, which are used to switch the metadata of files, for example, by clicking on the arrow to the right, you will open the metadata of the next file (i.e. switch to the next file after the current one). As well as you can simply click on another file, on the File tab or in the File Manager, and you will change the metadata to the file you clicked on. If you open Metadata inside a file or if there is only one file in the project, the arrows will be inactive. The cross in the metadata header is responsible for closing them.

Next, we have the most important metadata panel, which is located after the above described, there are General, People, and File info tabs, Copy/Paste, Lock Editing, and Download Excel buttons.

General tab

When we open the metadata we immediately see the General tab, on this tab we will create a template, this template will be one for all Team files, and the metadata in these templates must be filled in separately, because once the template is created, it will be empty on all files until it is filled in accordingly.

Only administrators can create and edit templates.

Creating a template and editing it

To create a template or edit it, you need to enter the Edit mode by clicking on the Edit button.

When you enter edit mode, you will immediately see a warning that all changes are saved automatically and applied to all files, as well as the Add New button. In place of the Edit button is the Done button, which you can click to exit the edit mode.

The Add new button is responsible for creating fields in the template, by clicking on it, you will be given a dropdown list with all possible fields that can be created in the template, namely:

  • Text - this is a text field, you can write any text information in it, for example, the title of the field "Track Author" and enter who created the track;

  • Number - this is a numeric field, you can enter only numbers, for example, the title of the field "How many edits were made" and you enter the number of edits;

  • Select - in fact it is a drop-down list with one choice. When creating the field, you create a value in advance, which in the course of work you will choose to display, for example, the field title will be "Album" and you choose from the list in which album this track will go;

  • Date - this is a date field, in it you can choose a date from the calendar, for example you have a field titled "Due Date" and further will be the date;

  • Toggle is a toggle field, you can use it in different ways, but here is an example of its use: "Show tags" and the toggle is turned off, which means you don't need to show tags.

Metadata Field Creation Example:

After selecting a field type, a modal window opens with detailed settings for that field.

There are common settings for all fields:

  • Visibility to Members. By default, it is on. If this setting is off, this field will be visible only to Admins and Owners. Members will not see it, members will not be able to export this field.

  • Only Admins can edit the value. The default setting is off. If the setting is on, the input value for Members will be blocked, only Admins and Owners will be able to edit it.

  • Included in metadata file export. By default setting is on. If off, this field will not be included in the export of fields.

Each field type also has a header. The header is mandatory, without it, you cannot create/edit the field. It is limited from 2 to 90 characters.

Using the example of the Select field, we will give a step-by-step creation, because this field has its own features that other fields do not have:

1. Select the Select field from the list;

2. In the modal window that opens, we need to first enter the name of the field;

3. Next we need to create values for this field, by default we have one value "Default item", you can rename it by clicking on this field;

4. After all the field values have been created and renamed, you have the possibility to swap them by pressing drag-n-drop. You can also select the default value of this field by clicking on the special button to the left of the value name. Default value means that all files, after this field is created, will display the field with the default value, as well as newly filled files in the project will also be with this value;

5. After that, if you have not changed the settings of this field, you can click on the Create button and the field will be created with all your settings;

6. In addition, once you have created all the fields in edit mode, you can swap fields around using drag and drop. If you want to edit a field, click on the gear and you will get the same modal window as when you created the field, where you can both delete the field and change any of its values.

There is also a very useful feature - a tooltip to the right of the field, when you hover over it you will see information about who last made changes.

As a result, you will have to exit the edit mode and the metadata template will be created, if you forget to exit the edit mode, don't worry, all changes will be saved. As it was said earlier, Guests cannot see the metadata, but everyone else can use them, that is, work with these metadata templates.

People tab

Going to this tab you will encounter that it will be empty until you click on Add new, this button creates a new row where names and authorship separators will be displayed above the % file. Everyone except the Guest can create/delete the new line and fill it in (if the lock is open, it will be described below). Only numeric data (numbers and a dot) can be entered in the Split, % field. The total % is calculated below the fields. If the sum exceeds 100%, it glows red. These fields are not created on all files at the same time, they are tied specifically to the current file, that is, on other files you need to create a new line. To delete a line, click on the cross opposite the line on the right and confirm the deletion.

File info tab

The File info tab displays static information ranging from video/track duration to file format.

Copy/Paste buttons

The copy buttons work with the General and People tabs. Clicking on the Copy button will open a drop down list that has:

1. Copy Selected - the copy buttons itself, it copies what has been selected in the drop-down list.

2. Credits - this item is responsible for all rows on the People tab, if it is checked, the whole People tab will be copied.

3. All fields on the General tab - we can choose which field values from the General tab you want to copy.

4. Unselect All - this button, when clicked, unselects all checkboxes.

Once you have selected what you want to copy and clicked on the Copy Selected button, the Paste button becomes active. When you open the metadata of another file, clicking on the Paste button will cause the copied values to be pasted. The example below shows that the data has been copied to another file.

Lock button

The "Lock" button allows you to close metadata access to a file that is currently open. In the open state the template can be edited and field values can be changed, but by clicking on this button the lock is closed and nobody can change the Metadata of this file. This button can only be used by Admins. If you click on the closed lock button, you will see who closed it.

Download Excel button

Clicking this button will export all data from all Metadata tabs of the current file in .xlsx format. If you don't see some data in this document, you may have turned off in the settings the participation of this field in the export.

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